Monday, March 23, 2009


On Saturday March 21, 2009, Camden decided he was a BIG BOY and was going to start going POTTY in the big boy toilet. We were soooo proud of him and he was very EXCITED. We all clapped and cheered and gave high fives. Camden even got a piece of GUM when he was done. On Monday, he went to Jen's (Camden's Babysitter) and when I got there to pick him up he had 6 stickers on his for every time he went potty that day. He had to tell me all about going potty at Jen's house. Did I mention that he doesn't even turn 2 for another month.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how big he is. He is so cute Jamie. We need to get together sometime soon. I will send you an invite to my blog.
